Thursday, September 25, 2008

its been three years...

our third anniversary came and went with little fuss. we celebrated in our own favorite way - T brought me flowers, and i cooked him dinner (classic meat and potatoes - very rare treat in our mostly vegetarian house).

it was sweet, low key, and perfect!

i have known T for over ten years now, and while 5 of those years were spent in different states (and even different continents!), it has been the most amazing journey.

we met when i was 17 years old, at summer camp! T was working in the kitchen, and i was a counselor in training. it took us all summer to even start talking, although absolutely everybody else knew about the enormous crushes we had on each other. we spent several months writing letters and emails, which eventually turned into phone calls, which eventually turned into visits. he came to California, i went to Illinois. he came to England, i went to Portland.

eventually we got married...


Anonymous said...

Those flowers are perfect gift on your wedding anniversary.

Laura Marie said...

Your blogs are all so addorable!!

i just needed to tell you that since my sister tagged me on the game "6 unique things" i have to tag 6 other people...and one of them is you! :D arent you the lucky one just need to look at my blog for more details....enjoy :)
