Monday, April 4, 2011

the zero dollar craft project

I've had this idea in the back of my head for quite awhile now (no seriously - this idea has been germinating for years) and I only acted upon it recently.  I think the title might be misleading... originally everything did cost money.  However, I have slight hoarding tendency's, and so when I finally embarked upon this project I didn't have to leave the house, or buy anything new!

I have always been a candle fan.  There is nothing like a candle light for setting a mood, flattering a complexion, or even just resting the eyes.  For years I would buy generic glass jarred candles and try and make them more unique by wrapping them in cool paper, or even just nesting them inside a different container.  I wanted to try making my own, but there has always been a certain air of *crunchy granola* associated with candle making, as well as remembrances of a failed jr high crayon melting experiment... and so I never really did anything with my generic glass jars.

Fast forward a few years, and I became a manager at that ubiquitous lotion and candle store (you know the one i'm talking about - it has a store at almost every mall across the country).  Needless to say, my candle collection grew to almost ridiculous proportions.  (I mean seriously, what is a girl to do during that amazing sale that happens twice a year).  Some of my votive collection ended up getting wrapped in tissue paper in order to add a little color and ambiance to our wedding decor (you can sort of see them on the table here), but I still had plenty sitting in boxes in my closet.

Until yesterday, when in a spurt of boredom  anti-housecleaning  inspiration, I matched up some of my vintage tea tins with some of my yummiest smelling candles.

I tried a few different ways of melting down the wax  First I chopped up the existing candles and then melting them down double-boiler style (and by double boiler I mean using spatulas to prop up a plastic mixing container T found for me in the garage); and then I went straight to immersing the existing jar in the water.  Both worked, but pre-chopping definitely led to quicker melting!
Not only was it super easy, but it made the house smell amazing!

I can't wait to send this one to a dear friend on the east coast who has waited ever so patiently for me to finally get around to finishing the knitted cowl for her dog I started about two years ago.  Yes, I said dog-cowl (he's a whippet, and he gets cold).  And yes, it sometimes takes me forever to get things accomplished.   
I have two more tins, however the existing wicks I have are too short.  So I think round two will cost a few more dollars.  I also want to try blending the remaining scented candles with some unscented wax - hopefully this will soften the color and the strength of the scent!



Sawyer Fam said...

wow, what a great idea! i'm going to keep an eye out for beautiful vintage tins like that. and i just want you to know how much i'm enjoying your more frequent blogging these days!

hether said...

okay, i want one too! we could make some when i come. yesyeysyeyeysysysyes!

Nutty Gnome said...

I've made candles many times in the past, but have never thought of using old caddies to put them in! Brilliant idea....I'll be on the look out for tea caddies from now on :)